- Log in with the credentials of Company Account Administrator.
- Select from the main menu My company.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
- At the option Recipient(s) e-mail for updates from members of the Business Directory (e.g. Invitations to Tenders).*, you can delete an e-mail by selecting the x or you can add a new e-mail. For addition, type the e-mail you wish to add and press Enter from your keyboard.
- Select Update.
In the Recipient(s) e-mail are sent the notifications for new rfx and tenders, including their impending expirations.
Also note that, in rfx/tenders with company invitation, initially, and any announcements or clarifications from the contracting authority, are being notified via e-mail to all Recipient(s) e-mail list that have been added in this section. Since a user from your company has made any action in the rfx/tender (i.e. in public tenders have selected I want to participate, send a clarification through the communication channel) then any notification e-mail i.e for an announcement or clarifications will notify this user. Basically, it will notify the user who has last made an action to a rfx or tender.
When the tender has status Answered then notifications will be send only to the user who has replied although afterwards other user of the same company performs any other action.